GREAT DURABILITY: Don't waste your money on cheap beach bags that don't last. This quality shoulder tote bag is made from quality canvas material that has amazing durability. Also include inside waterproof lining that stops items inside getting wet from outside splashes.
STAND-OUT, FASHIONABLE DESIGN: This great bag will catch everyone’s eye and make you stand out. Striking white with blue, red or black thick colour stripes, the pattern to impress with vintage look rope handles make it a unique fashion piece you must use to take your items on any outdoor adventure.
CARRY EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN YOUR BEACH BAG: How important is it to have all your beach essentials? Towels, sandals, drinks, sunscreen... Very Important, this is the bag that can handle it, you don’t have to worry about what to take or not to take as you now have the space. Perfect for families.
SAFE & SECURE: Keep everything safe and secure with our beach bag. The main bag compartment has a zipped top to avoid large items from falling out. It also has a zipped inner pocket for keeping your valuable items safe and getting lost in the bottom of your bag.
100% RISK FREE GUARANTEE: Ensuring you are satisfied is our number one goal. This is why we offer a 60 day money back guarantee if you are not fully satisfied with your purchase.