It has an internal water bottle pocket, so no worries about your bottle falling out and spilling everywhere. It also has a soft-webbing shoulder strap that makes it easy to carry even on long hauls.
This bag could be great for anyone looking for a bag to take to work/school and the gym. It can fit all gym equipment, and some customers are using it to stash a second purse in as an extra carry-on for flights. It is durable, and it doesn't seem to show signs of wear after many uses.
This bag could be good for you if you are looking for a practical and comfortable bag and you don't need a lot of room for extras. If you also bike or have a lighter mat, this might be the gym bag for you.
This folding bags, which come in two sizes, are tucked into small zippered pouches. Just pull out a bag, unfold it and you've got a large bag, with pockets, shoulder straps and handles